The Regional Catchment Strategy is a requirement under Victorian Government legislation (the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994). Each CMA must prepare a strategy for the region and coordinate and monitor its implementation. They are updated every 6 years and co-developed with the community, including Registered Aboriginal Parties, before being endorsed by CMA Boards and the relevant Victorian Government Ministers.
In addition to meeting the requirements of the Act, the strategy also supports and contributes to a range of legislative and policy frameworks from a local to international scale. Some of the key local, regional, state, national and international plans that the strategy contributes to are highlighted below.
Alignment with local and regional plans
A summary of the local and regional plans that the strategy supports or contributes to is provided in Table 9. Some of the plans are sub-strategies to this strategy, providing detailed priority actions, while others influence priority actions at a local scale.
In addition, Figure 14 provides a summary of the key regional plans working together to improve the catchment’s natural resources.
Table 9: The local and regional plans that the Goulburn Broken Regional Catchment Strategy contributes to or supports

Contribution to regional climate change adaptation
The strategy contributes to the Hume Regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategy by identifying the catchment’s climate change challenges and including priority actions at the local area and catchment scale to adapt and mitigate climate change.
Alignment with state-wide plans
A summary of the state-wide plans that the Goulburn Broken Strategy contributes to or supports is provide in Table 10.
Table 10: The statewide plans that the Goulburn Broken Regional Catchment Strategy contributes to or supports
Alignment with national and international plans and agreements
The strategy supports and contributes to a number of national and international plans and agreements. Refer to Table 11 for some of the key plans and agreements.
Table 11: The national and international plans and agreements that the Goulburn Broken Strategy contributes to or supports
Contribution to global goals
The strategy contributes to 4 of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (Figure 15). These goals were adopted by all United Member States (193 countries) in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals consist of 17 goals, 169 targets and 232 unique indicators. National governments, including Australia, are expected to contribute to and report on all 17 goals through the UN process.
Under the framework, environmental, social and economic development are indivisible. The goals aim to reduce poverty and inequality, promote prosperity and well-being for all, protect the environment and address climate change and encourage good governance, peace and security.
The strategy supports Australia’s contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, demonstrating alignment with 4 of the 17 goals:
- goal 6 – clean water and sanitation
- goal 11 – sustainable cities and communities
- goal 13 – climate action
- goal 15 – life on land.

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