Prioritisation criteria for management actions:
- Do the management actions align with the priority actions outlined in the Goulburn Broken Regional Catchment (GB RCS) Strategy? High/medium/low alignment
- Are the management actions identified in relevant Plans specific to the RLP Priority e.g. Recovery Plans and/or Joint Management Plans? Yes/No
- Are the management actions identified in the relevant Plans specific to the RLP Priority e.g. recovery plans or Joint Management Plans relevant in the Goulburn Broken Catchment? High/medium/low relevance
- Are the management actions proven to address the threat to the RLP Priority? Have the management actions been proven through previous monitoring, research or experience to address the threat to the RLP Priority. Experimental/ innovative management actions may also be included, these would be supported extensive MERI. High/medium/low effectiveness
- Do the actions align with priority actions identified by Traditional Owners (see RCS). High/medium/low alignment
- Do the actions support the applications of the resilience principles? Do the Management Actions integrate a complex, systems view of the world including accommodating different scales and perspectives, factoring in an uncertain future and knowledge and anticipating and adapting to change? Yes/No
- Would implementation of these management actions contribute to the RLP 5-year outcomes? High/medium/low level of contribution
Action prioritisation using above criteria:
Investment priority | Action | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Final ranking (the most common or reflective ranking on balance) |
Australasian Bittern (Bird) Botaurus poiciloptilus Draft recovery plan | Identify the key sites where Australasian Bitterns occur/are likely to occur/where potential suitable habitat occurs eg (recorded at Waranga Basin). | Med | Yes | Med | Med | Med | No | Low | Medium |
Manage key sites to ensure habitat is suitable for Australasian Bitterns, including wetlands that have environmental water delivery. | High | Yes | Low | High | High | Yes | Med | High | |
Reduce weed species and grazing animals at sites to improve wetland structure and function. | High | No | Low | High | High | Yes | Med | High | |
Engage community and stakeholders in Australasian Bittern conservation. | High | Yes | Med | Med | High | Yes | Med | High | |
As a sacred bird, involve traditional owners in management actions. | High | Yes | Med | Med | High | Yes | Med | High | |
Leadbeater’s Possum (Mammal) Gymnobelideus leadbeateri Draft national recovery plan | Work in Partnership with DELWP and other relevant stakeholders to raise awareness of the threats to this species. | Med | Yes | Med | Med | High | Yes | Med | Medium |
Mountain Pygmy-possum (Mammal) Burramys parvus National recovery plan | Continue to monitor populations of Mountain Pygmy Possums and Bogong Moths. | Med | Yes | High | High | High | Yes | Low | High |
Revegetate to provide food and linkage pathways. | High | Yes | High | Med | Med | Yes | Med | High | |
Control cats. | High | Yes | High | High | Med | No | Med | High | |
Control weeds in associated areas. | High | Yes | Med | Med | Med | Low | No | Medium | |
Continue to work in partnership with recovery team, DELWP, Parks Victoria, Alpine Resorts commissions, community, school groups and other CMAs. | High | No | N/A | Med | Med | Yes | Med | Medium | |
Plains Rice-flower (Plant) Pimelea spinescens subsp. spinescens National recovery plan | Work with NC CMA to increase populations through propagation and planting. | High | Yes | Med | Med | High | Yes | Med | High |
Trial burning of roadsides where populations may have/currently exist. | High | Yes | Low | Med | High | Yes | Med | Medium | |
Regent Honeyeater (Bird) Anthochaera phrygia National recovery plan | Encourage planting of Autumn winter flowering trees, such as Ironbarks (e. Leucoxylon, E. tricarpa, and E. sideroxylon) and Grey Box (E. macrocarpa) trees where appropriate in revegetation of sites. | High | Yes | Med | Med | High | Yes | High | High |
Work with landholders to increase habitat through incentives for revegetation. | Med | No | N/A | Med | Med | Yes | High | Medium | |
Reduce fragmentation through planting linkages between important remnants. | High | Yes | Med | Med | High | Yes | High | High | |
Silver / Buxton Gum (Plant) Eucalyptus crenulata National recovery plan | Continue to build knowledge of potential sites through mapping analysis and ground truthing. | Med | Yes | High | Med | High | No | Low | Medium |
Continue to engage the local community in its conservation. | High | Yes | High | Med | Med | Yes | Med | Medium | |
Continue to work with landholders to improve existing sites and create new populations. | High | Yes | High | Med | Med | Yes | High | High | |
Increase seed genetic fitness through increasing populations of mixed genetics. | Med | No | N/A | Med | Med | Yes | Med | Medium | |
Small Purple-pea (Plant) Swainsona recta National recovery plan | Keep up to date with NE CMA about conservation actions. | Med | No | N/A | Low | N/A | N/A | Med | Low |
Trial propagation in the Euroa Arboretum and plant into previously known sites where suitable. | High | Yes | Med | Med | High | Yes | Med | Medium | |
Swift Parrot (Bird) Lathamus discolor National recovery plan | In the Box-Ironbark region (eg Rushworth/Heathcote/Greytown) and Riverine Plains, encourage planting of Autumn winter flowering trees, such as Ironbarks (e. Leucoxylon, E. tricarpa, and E. sideroxylon) and Grey Box (E. macrocarpa) trees where appropriate in revegetation of sites. | High | Yes | Med | Med | High | Yes | High | High |
Work with landholders to increase habitat through incentives for revegetation. | Med | No | N/A | Med | Med | Yes | High | Medium | |
Reduce fragmentation through planting linkages between important remnants. | High | Yes | Med | Med | High | Yes | High | High | |
Turnip Copperburr (Plant) Scerolaena napiformis National recovery plan | Work with local communities to increase species profile, as may be found on private land. | High | Yes | Med | Med | Med | Yes | Med | Medium |
Continue to seek out and map plants. | Med | Yes | Med | Med | Med | No | Low | Medium | |
Continue to trial propagation methods so that plants can become part of revegetation projects. | High | Yes | Med | Med | High | Yes | Med | Medium |